Signaling in Cell Damage and Cancer


Anna Colell Riera

Tenured Scientist

Our group focuses its research on the study of intracellular and intercellular mechanisms that are activated in response to injury, particularly in liver and neurodegenerative diseases as well as processes of carcinogenesis. The ultimate goal is a better understanding of the signaling involved in diseases allows developing therapeutic interventions to improve the treatment of human disease.

The main lines of research we address are:

- Therapeutic targets in Alzheimer's disease (Dr. Anna Colell).

- Mechanisms in liver inflammation and fibrosis (Dr. Montserrat Marí).

- Therapies in hepatocellular damage and cancer (Dr. Albert Morales).

Our work that combines cell models and primary cultures with animal models that mimic human diseases is funded by public (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias and Plan Nacional de I + D) and private calls (Marató de TV3). 

We have PhD positions available in all three lines of investigation (February-Juny 2020), that will be prioritized by academic curriculum and previous experience.