
Nanoparticles for gene therapy directed to cellular targets in the brain

  • A collaborative research work patents a gene therapy procedure based on liposomal nanoparticles, successfully tested in rodents, capable of delivering therapeutic oligonucleotides directly to
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The research group "Mitochondrial regulation of cell death" of the IIBB organizes an International Symposium on cell signaling by lipids and its impact on oxidative stress and human pathology to be

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TV3 echoes the research led by the Biological and Environmental Proteomics group of the IIBB

Last November 18, the TV3 program "Tot es mou" went to the laboratory of the Biological and Environmental Proteomics group of the IIBB to interview Dra.

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La Marató de TV3 has granted a research project to IIBB researcher Analía Bortolozzi

On November 3, 2022, the Board of Trustees of La Marató de TV3 Foundation has agreed to award a grant to Dr.

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JAE Intro 2022 Scholarships

The IIBB offers opportunities to join groups as part of the JAE Intro scholarship call for the year 2022.

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Researchers from the IIBB lead the launch of a new journal on liver and digestive diseases

IIBB researcher Jose C. Fernandez-Checa has been appointed Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the Exploration of Digestive Diseases (EDD).

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Parallelism between physical activity, brain defense mechanisms and cardiac adaptation

An experimental study of physical activity done by researchers from the Aging and neurodegeneration group from the IIBB-CSIC, and from the Arrhythmias and physical activity research group from the

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