International Women's Day is celebrated on 8 March and commemorates the fight of women in a society in which gender inequality is still to be seen.

In recent years, there has been a development in gender equality at national level. It has been particularly evident in the visibility of scientists and their greater contribution to research areas.

In our research centre there has been a gradual increase in the presence of women over recent years, both in their increase as progress is made in the research career and in their rise to decision-making positions. Our director, Roser Cortes, and our manager, Francisca Jiménez, are two examples of this.

In fact, our centre shows more women no longer only at a general level, but also at the level of major staff researchers. Of 27 researchers, 16 are women and 11 men.



Data at the national level of the 2021 CSIC are also promising. The figures set out in 2021 show a balance between the number of women and men working for the CSIC centres throughout Spain, although there is still a gap for further work at the level of research staff.

More women are gradually entering the scientific career and are gradually occupying more and more decision-making positions.