The conference was organized by the IIBB-CSIC Equality Commission. The conference was attended by predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the IIBB-CSIC. During the day, gender issues associated with the development of a professional career in the field of biomedical research were addressed, such as the scientific vocation, the gender gap, the glass ceiling, the representation of women in leadership positions and personal conciliation through the testimony of two speakers:


• Dr. Anna Moles, head scientist of the "Tissue Remodeling, Fibrosis and Cancer" research group.

• Dr. Alba Simats, postdoctoral researcher of the " Cerebrovascular Research" research group.

After the talks, there was a debate with the audience in which the attendees could ask questions, comment, and share experiences on the theme of the day.

The objective of the conference is to highlight the work of our female researchers, promote scientific vocations and raise awareness about gender dimension issues in the field of biomedical research, providing practical tools based on the experience of other women.